Thursday, June 3, 2010

Summer Reading

This summer I have planned out an ambitious reading plan. In the midst of the studies I am teaching, summer camps, vacations, and (Lord willing) my ordination. With just those little things going on, here is my reading list for the summer: (See if you can pick up the theme)

Sabbath – Dan Allendar
This is not a theological look at the topic, rather a practical encouragement to practice the 4th Commandment.

War of Words – Tripp
This is part of a requirement for my job. It focuses on the power of words and how they affect all of our relationships

Spiritual Theology – Simon Chan
I read this book early in my time in seminary. It is a systematic approach to the Christian life.

The Way of the Heart – Nouwen
I read this during the “Summer that God-hated me” and it was immensely helpful. I am revisiting it this summer.

Christ Plays in 10,000 Places – Peterson
I love Peterson and he always makes me think.

The Moral Vision of the New Testament – Hays
I read a chapter out of this book for a class my first semester of seminary. It was written unlike any other chapter on ethics I had ever read. I am interested to see what the book as a whole is like.

After You Believe – N.T. Wright
With all the drama surrounding Wright’s theology, I am interested to see him practically spell out his theology of sanctification.

Ender in Exile – Orson Scott Card
I always keep a fiction book on my nightstand and this is my current read. It fills in the time between Ender’s Game and Speaker for the Dead in the Ender’s Game series.

Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy – Eric Metaxas
I know I just said I keep fiction on my nightstand, but this looks very interesting and its still narrative, so it will take Ender’s place on my nightstand.

As I finish a book, I will cross it off. Also, the theme is "Spiritual Formation"

Updated 6/16

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